
What is the use of Sumif formula?

 Sums items in a list matching a condition

Syntax of Sumif formula:

sumif(in this range, values meeting this criteria, [sum-this-range])

Examples of Excel Sumif formula:
sumif(A1:A20, 3) = sums the cells with a value of "3"
sumif(A1:A20, 3, b1:b20) = same as above but adds values in B1:B20

SUMIF function syntax

The SUMIF function has the following syntax:

  • range is the range of cells you want to add up. It is required for the function to work.
  • criteria is the criteria which must be met for a cell to be included in the total. It is also required.
  • sum_range is the range of cells that will be added up. It is optional; if you leave it out, Excel will check the criteria against the sum_range. In the two examples above, the first example doesn't need you to provide a sum_range, while the second example does.
One of the tricky things when constructing a SUMIF function is how to present the criteria. Here are some examples to help you:


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