users who have a subscription of Office 365, which is a cloud-based service, will get the new Office 2016 for free.
The Redmond-based technology major Microsoft on Wednesday said that all users who have a subscription of Office 365, which is a cloud-based service, will get the new Office 2016 for free. Other users can purchase the new suite, which is available in 14 Indian languages and 47 languages globally, starting Wednesday."Starting today, Office 365 subscribers can choose to download the new Office 2016 apps as part of their subscription. Automatic updates will begin rolling out to consumer subscribers next month," the company said. The Office 365 Personal edition (for one user - one PC + one Tablet + one Phone) costs Rs. 3,299 per annum and Office 365 Home (for five users - five PCs + five Tablets + five phones) is priced at Rs. 4,199 per annum. "The Office 2016 for Business, which comes in two formats - Standard and Professional Plus, will cost the customer Rs. 24,844 and Rs.33,911 respectively," Microsoft said. The mid-range Office 2016 Perpetual suite will be available ...