GRBL Feed Rate

Introduction – GRBL Feed Rate

Congratulations on getting your CNC machine running. By now you should have adjusted a few of the GRBL settings. If not then before setting your GRBL feed rate, I recommend you set the steps per mm at the very least. Click the following link for a guide that will walk you through the process for the x,y and z axis Steps per mm ($100, $101, $102). GRBL settings 101
Now that your machine moves to the location you want, it’s time to see if we can get the machine there faster. The following guide outlines the process of setting your GRBL feed rate.

Why Does Feed Rate Matter?

Many times, your machine will have to rapid to a location before or between cuts. Depending on what you are cutting and how big that part is, this can add up to a significant amount of time. Especially if your max GRBL feed rate settings are not optimized. In my case, I was able to more than double the safe speed of my machine. This meant that the machine moved to the cutting positions faster and didn’t waste time slowly moving to the next cut. I saw a significant drop in cycle time, the amount of time it takes to cut a given part.
Again these settings deal with the machine limits. The actual cutting feed rates in your gcode program are set in your CAM software. These settings represent the upper limit of what the machine will do even if the gcode program tells the machine to move faster.


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