Looking up your router IP address

Looking up your router IP address

To lookup your router IP address use following instructions.


Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
When Command Prompt window opens, type the following command:
ipconfig | findstr /i "Gateway"
You should see prompt similar to: 
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator>
ipconfig | findstr /i "Gateway"
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 192.168.l.l
In this example, your default router IP address is

Unix and Linux

You'll need to open a Terminal. Depending on your Linux distribution, it can be located in the menu items at the top, or at the bottom of your screen. Click Applications > System Tools > Terminal.

When terminal is open, type the following command:
ip route | grep default

The output of this should look something like the following:

joe$ ip route | grep default

default via 192.168.l.l dev eth0 proto static

In this example, again, is your default gateway (router) IP address.

Mac OS

Open the Terminal application. Do do this, click Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app.
When Terminal.app is open, type the following command: netstat -nr | grep default

This will output the following:

joe$ netstat -nr | grep default
default UGSc 50 46 en1

In this example, again, is your default gateway (router) IP address.


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