Logical Operators
Logical Operators
So far, you've seen the basic
arithmetic operators (which are used for addition, subtraction, division, and
so on) and the cell reference operators (used to specify one or more cells).
There's one final category of operators that's useful when creating formulas: logical operators.
Logical operators let you build
conditions into your formulas so the formulas produce different values
depending on the value of the data they encounter. You can use a condition with
cell references or literal values.
For example, the condition A2=A4 is true if cell A2 contains
the same value as cell A4. On the other hand, if these cells contain different
values (say 2 and 3), then the formula generates a false value. Using
conditions is a stepping stone to using conditional logic. Conditional logic
lets you perform different calculations based on different scenarios.
For example, you can use conditional logic to see how large
an order is, and provide a discount if the total order cost's over $5,000.
Excel evaluates the condition, meaning it determines if the condition's true or
false. You can then tell Excel what to do based on that evaluation.
lists all the logical operators you can use to build
Equal to
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
You can use logical operators to build standalone formulas,
but that's not particularly useful. For example, here's a formula that tests
whether cell A1 contains the number 3:
The parentheses aren't actually required, but they make the formula
a little bit clearer, emphasizing the fact that Excel evaluates the condition
first, and then displays the result in the cell. If you type this formula into
the cell, then you see either the uppercase word TRUE or FALSE, depending on
the content in cell A2.
On their own, logical operators don't accomplish much.
However, they really shine when you start combining them with other functions to build conditional logic. For example, you
can use the SUMIF( ) function,
which totals the value of certain rows, depending on whether the row matches a
set condition. Or you can use the IF( ) function to determine what calculation
you should perform.
The IF( ) function has the following function description:
IF(condition, [value_if_true],
In English, this line of code translates to: If the
condition is true, display the second argument in the cell; if the condition is
false, display the third argument.
Consider this formula:
=IF(A1=B2, "These numbers are
equal", "These numbers are not equal")
This formula tests if the value in cell A1 equals the value
in cell B2. If this is true, you'll see the message "These numbers are
equal" displayed in the cell. Otherwise, you'll see "These numbers
are not equal."
If you see a quotation mark in a formula, it's because that formula uses text. You must surround all literal text values with quotation marks. (Numbers are different: You can enter
them directly into a formula.)
People often use the IF( ) function to prevent Excel from
performing a calculation if some of the data is missing. Consider the following
This formula causes a divide-by-zero error if A2 contains a
0 value. Excel then displays an error code in the cell. To prevent this from
occurring, you can replace this formula with the conditional formula shown
=IF(A2=0, 0, A1/A2)
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