Excel tips

  1. ctrl+arrow keys:Move to the edge of next data region (cells that contains data)(MS Excel-Version: 2007)(MS Excel-Version: 2010)
  2. Navigate Inside Worksheets
    end :Turn 'End' mode on. In End mode, press arrow keys to move to the next nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell. From here use arrow keys to move by blocks of data, home to move to last cell, or enter to move to the last cell to the right(MS Excel-Version: 2010)
  3. Work With Data Selections
    ctrl+shift+o :Select all cells with comments(MS Excel-Version: 2010)
  4. Manage Active Selections
    shift+f8 :Add another (adjacent or non-adjacent) range of cells to the selection. Use arrow keys and shift+arrow keys to add to selection(MS Excel-Version: 2010)
  5. Manage Active Selections
    shift+backspace :Select only the active cell when multiple cells are selected(MS Excel-Version:2003,2007,2010)
  6. Select inside cells
    shift+arrow left / shift+arrow right :Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right(MS Excel-Version:2003,2007,2010)
  7. Select inside cells
    ctrl+shift+arrow left / ctrl+shift+arrow right :Select or unselect one word to the left / to the right(MS Excel-Version:2003,2007,2010)
  8. Select inside cells
    shift+home / shift+end :Select from the insertion point to the beginning / to the end of the cell(MS Excel-Version:2003,2007,2010)
  9. Work with Clipboard
    ctrl+c :Copy contents of selected cells.(MS Excel-Version: 2003) (MS Excel-Version: 2007)(MS Excel-Version: 2010)
  10. Work with Clipboard
    ctrl+x :Cut contents of selected cells.(MS Excel-Version:2003,2007,2010)


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