MySQL Enterprise Firewall guards against cyber security threats by
providing real-time protection against database specific attacks. Any
application that has user-supplied input, such as login and personal
information fields is at risk. Database attacks don't just come from
applications. Data breaches can come from many sources including SQL
virus attacks or from employee misuse. Successful attacks can quickly
steal millions of customer records containing personal information,
credit card, financial, healthcare or other valuable data.
MySQL Enterprise Firewall protects your data by monitoring, alerting,
and blocking unauthorized database activity without any changes to your
applications. It provides multiple operating modes to help
administrators block, detect and respond to malicious database attacks:
- Allow - SQL statements are executed and results are generated for statements that match an approved whitelist
- Block - SQL statements are blocked from executing that do not match an approved whitelist
- Detect - SQL statements that do not match a whitelist are executed and administrators are notified of policy violations
Block SQL Injection Attacks
MySQL Enterprise Firewall blocks SQL Injection attacks that can
result in loss of valuable personal and financial data. Whitelist
creation, real-time threat monitoring, SQL statement blocking and
alerting enable DBAs protect data assets.
NEW! Database Intrusion Detection
Acting as a security alarm, MySQL Enterprise Firewall notifies
administrators to SQL statement activity that does not match an approved
Real-time Threat Monitoring
MySQL Enterprise Firewall monitors for database threats in real time.
All incoming queries pass through a SQL analysis engine and are matched
against an approved whitelist of expected SQL statements. SQL attacks
are blocked if they don't represent expected statements.
Block Suspicious Traffic
Statements that do not match the approved whitelist are blocked,
logged and can be analyzed to help block a potential SQL injection
attack. This provides DBAs with valuable information in preventing
malicious attacks, stolen credentials and loss of data.
Learn and Build whitelists
Automatically create user specific whitelists of pre-approved SQL
statements using a self-learning system. MySQL Enterprise Firewall
records all incoming SQL statement and builds a whitelist. Only incoming
queries that match the whitelist are approved and allowed to pass
through to MySQL.
Transparent Protection
MySQL Enterprise Firewall requires no changes to your application
regardless of development language, framework or 3rd party application.
MySQL Enterprise Firewall acts as a "walled garden" transparently
protecting MySQL databases regardless of application development
language (Java, Python, PHP, .NET, Javascript, etc.), database
frameworks (Hibernate, Doctrine, SQL Alchemy, etc.) or 3rd party
applications (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.).
High Performance
MySQL Enterprise Firewall runs within each MySQL instance and
provides scale-out performance. It doesn't require additional firewall
services to run or maintain and runs transparently so no changes are
required to your database applications.
MySQL Enterprise Firewall tracks and provides metrics on both allowed
and blocked SQL statements. Blocked statements are logged for
inspection and alerting.
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