
  • Windows 7

  • Create a Windows 7 DVD for installation on a new hard drive
  • Create a backup Windows 7 DVD
  • Create a bootable USB drive with a copy of Windows 7

Let's get started

Prepare to download
In order to recover your Windows 7 product or create a backup you will need to be able to download and save a large file (approximately 2 to 3.5 GB).
Make sure you have a reliable internet connection and sufficient data storage available on one of the following:
or or
A computer USB device External Drive
If you are not ready to download, or are using a mobile device, an email link to download the product can be sent to you after you verify your product key. The link in the email is valid for 24 hours.
After you verify your product key below, you will download a disc image (ISO file) and use it to create a bootable USB or DVD.  This will require ISO burning software such as the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.


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